Practice exams have been developed by Sonography Canada as exam preparation tools to assist candidates who intend to challenge the national certification exams. The practice exams provide a sampling of questions and content you may see on the certification exams and do not specifically cover all of the examinable competencies or the exam blueprint.
The practice exams will also allow you to become familiar with the computer interface used during an exam. A 35-question practice exam is available for each of the Core, Generalist, Cardiac and Vascular exams for a fee of $50 per exam. The Core and Generalist exams are available in both English and French.
One of the most important features of the practice exam is that, for each practice question, rationales are provided for the correct answer. These rationales help explain sonography concepts and principles that are essential for entry-level sonographers. Although the questions in the practice exams are different from those on the credential exams, the general principles and concepts being tested are the same because the questions are developed from the same set of competencies. Each question in the practice exam is also supported by a verified reference.
The majority of these references have been published within the past five years. The purpose of the references is to indicate that the correct answer within each question has authoritative support from experts in the field and to provide you with a source for further reading and review. It is important to note that the practice exam is only one tool for promoting your success. The practice exam should be used to supplement and reinforce the knowledge and skills taught in your educational program. The Core and Generalist exams are available in both English and French.
Each practice exam contains 35 multiple choice questions and has a 35-minute time limit to complete. Once the exam has been submitted, a review of the results and the rationales will be provided to you immediately.